Do You Support Government Funded Medicare-For-All?


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    There is no denying that our healthcare system needs fixing.  It simply isn’t running as efficiently as it could be.  We all know that much.  One just has to look at his or her hospital or rising insurance bills to figure that out.

    Where the opinions divide, however, is when we actually start looking at the reason for the inefficient system we have today.

    On one hand, people point to the lack of a true free market in healthcare as being the primary reason that the healthcare system is struggling so much.  They argue that a true free market approach to healthcare would drive down rising costs through competition, as is the case in other sectors of our economy.

    On the other hand however, people point to the free market as the biggest reason for the ailing state of the current healthcare system.  They argue that the greed brought on by insurance and drug companies exploits people during their most vulnerable time, and that for everyone to be able to afford healthcare, we must take the insurance and drug companies incentives for profit out of the equation.  Essentially, to cut down cost and make healthcare be available for all, they argue for a government funded medicare-for-all solution where every person in the United States would be covered.

    Below, you’ll find two arguments taken from  One is a pro medicare-for-all system and the other is against.

    Pro Medicare-For-All Argument

    Universal Health Care will create jobs, bring down medical expenses, cover the uninsured, and help the United States compete globally. Sixty percent of bankruptcies nationwide are caused by health care problems. Over 50 percent of personal bankruptcies are caused by health care costs. Countries like England and Germany, which have Universal Health care systems, are spending less on medical care than the US, which has the highest per-capita health expenditures of any country in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development.

    Against Medicare-For-All Argument

    The term “government funded” is deceiving. The government itself, has no funds, other than the funds that we the people, provide. Therefore, it follows that this type of health care would be costly to us (the citizens) and not to the government, which is why they seem to be so focused on this idea. If they pass this, they lose nothing. We the people, are the ones who will be footing the bills. Other areas of the world already have universal health care, and if you do the research, you’ll discover that it hasn’t worked for them. It will not work for us either. Not only is it expensive, but it takes away the constitutional freedom to choose how you want to take care of yourself. This should not be the business of the government. If the government wants to help, one thing they can do is cap the insurance premiums that doctors have to pay. That would take down health care to a point where many more people could afford it.

    So now we turn the question to you!  

    Do you support a government funded medicare-for-all system in the United States, or are you skeptical that it will work in our country?

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